Saturday, January 21, 2006

Corporate Kohen

So I've completed my first week as "Concierge" to the recruiters coming to the Business School to woo students into summer internship and potential full time positions after graduation. It's so interesting to see the whole process take place. Each day that I observe, I am more grateful and relieved that I am not one of those students.

Firms such as Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, and J.P. Morgan all came this past week and conducted intense 2 on 1 interviews with students interested in banking. With the students pacing and quaking, I sat behind my desk and observed with utter fascination.

The school offers about 50 small interview rooms that are all utterly bland, yet acutely intimidating. Part of my responsibility is to set up the rooms at the end of each day for the next mornings interviews. The paraphernalia consists of brochures about the school, mints, pens, paper, etc.

It's a welcome relief getting a break from not only being on my feet, but from working in the cafeteria. I'm fully immersing myself into the corporate world, which is something I haven't done for quite some time. I'm wearing heels, blow drying my hair, and actually baking cookies for the ladies in the office. It's strange. I feel completely displaced, yet strangely comfortable.

Yesterday, I took the train down to Hyde Park. We live about 10 minutes north of downtown and Hyde Park is maybe 20 minutes south of downtown. The train was filled during the entire trip south. When I stepped on in my neighborhood, everyone was white. As we headed downtown, a few black people jumped on board and by the time we were maybe 4 or 5 stops south of the city, the train was completely black. Just another random observation.

I'm back in the cafeteria today and tomorrow and then Monday through Friday of next week, I'm back in my business suit.

My husband and I were very successful with our super foods this past week. We will try again for week 2. Besides tonight, of course, when we went out for Mexican and I gorged on chicken enchiladas.

By the way, did anyone else freak out when they saw David Palmer still doing State Farm commercials? Didn't he just get assassinated?

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